The public health assessment concluded that the
future health consultations and public health
concentrations of VOCs detected in ambient air
do not pose a public health hazard. In addition,
Health Studies
the concentrations of heavy metals detected in the
Health studies are investigations to determine the rela-
soil of the playground do not pose a public health
tions between exposures to hazardous substances and
adverse health effects. Health studies also define health
Health Education and Community Activities
problems that require further investigation through,
for example, health surveillance or an epidemiologic
agreement program since 1995. Under this program,
study. Following is an example of a health study or
GDPH has received funding and technical assistance
investigation that ATSDR conducted or supported in
to develop community education and activities associ-
ated with human exposure to hazardous substances in
Case Series Study, Basket Creek--The Basket
the environment. During fiscal year 2003, the GDPH
Creek Surface Impoundment and Drum Disposal
Chemical Hazards Program (CHP)
sites are in a rural residential area in Douglasville.
published region-specific brochures to increase
The impoundment contains an unknown amount of
knowledge about fish and seafood consumption
waste oils, solvents, unsaturated amines, glycols,
advisories. This was part of a comprehensive
and aromatic compounds that were reportedly
campaign to promote good health practices, such
dumped into the impoundment between 1975 and
as avoiding excess amounts of contaminated
1976. People living adjacent to these two sites had
species while encouraging fish consumption
expressed concern that health complaints were
through nutrition education. Also, CHP worked
related to exposure to these sites. Thirty-seven
with the Georgia Department of Natural
Resources and the University of Georgia
collected. Although some participants had health
Cooperative Extension Service to develop,
problems, the examining physicians did not link
evaluate, publish, and distribute brochures for
any of these problems to environmental exposures.
women of childbearing age. These brochures
However, testing to determine exposures to
contain site-specific consumption guidelines
hazardous chemicals detected higher than
for both sport fish and commercial fish. Before
expected blood levels of methylene chloride in
publishing the brochures, an extensive evaluation
20 of the 34 persons who had lived near the site.
process was instituted to receive and measure
Also, some other chemicals not usually found in
impact of the brochures.
nonoccupationally exposed persons were found
among 14 of the 23 persons who still lived near
published the Chemical Hazards Reference Guide
the site. Results were provided to each participant.
for district and county environmental health staff
Residents with any questionable or abnormal test
and the public. The 55-page guide contains both
results were counseled or referred to personal
general information about CHP as well as specifics
doctors for appropriate medical followup. ATSDR
about hazardous materials exposures, contact
also prepared a summary report of this case series.
information, and other multiagency resources for
sites, fish consumption advisories, chemical facts,
Association of Occupational and
and more.
Environmental Clinics
published and distributed site-specific health
education materials in support of the Northside
Drive Area Lead Investigation, CSX Signal Shop,
Association of Occupational and Environmental Clin-
VC Chemicals, and Locust Grove Mercury Spill
ics (AOEC), ATSDR supports an occupational and
environmental health program in Georgia. This sup-
sites. These materials contained information
about conducting a health consultation and media/
port is provided to improve education and commu-
chemical-specific fact sheets that were established
nication related to surveillance, diagnosis, treatment,
as templates. These materials can be customized
and prevention of illness or injury related to exposure
for health education activities associated with
to hazardous substances. The member institution in