Activities in
ATSDR in Partnership With
been designated
ATSDR awarded more
to the NPL in
.1 million in the last
2 years in direct funds and
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
A public health
services to Georgia.
Registry (ATSDR) is the lead public health agency
assessment is a
responsible for implementing the health-related provi-
written, compre-
sions of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
hensive evaluation
Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA).
of available data and information about the release
ATSDR is an Atlanta-based federal agency with more
of hazardous substances into the environment in a
than 400 employees and a budget for 2004 of approxi-
specific geographic area. Such releases are assessed
mately million. ATSDR assesses the presence and
for current or future impact on public health. ATSDR,
nature of health hazards at specific Superfund sites,
in collaboration with public health and environmental
helps to prevent or reduce further exposure and ill-
officials from Georgia, has conducted 37 public health
nesses resulting from those hazards, and expands the
assessments in the state, including the following re-
knowledge base about the health effects of exposure to
cent example.
hazardous substances.
Terry Creek--In a public health assessment
ATSDR works closely with state agencies to carry
released in August 2002, ATSDR evaluated
out its mission to serve the public by using the best
the public health importance of the Terry
science, taking responsive public health actions, and
Creek Dredge Spoil Areas/Hercules Outfall in
providing trusted health information to prevent harm-
Brunswick. The Hercules manufacturing plant
ful exposures and disease related to toxic substances.
produced toxaphene, a polychlorinated camphene
ATSDR provides funding and technical assistance to
(PCC) insecticide. In 1972, discharges of this
kind of insecticide were restricted in Hercules
ments and grants to identify and evaluate environ-
wastewater. Since then, PCC concentrations in
mental health threats to communities. These resources
environmental samples (e.g., sediment and fish)
enable state and local health departments and other
have decreased significantly. Both Terry Creek
grantees to further investigate environmental health
and nearby Dupree Creek are used for fishing and
concerns and to educate communities. From fiscal
years 1990 through 2003, ATSDR awarded more
than .2 million--more than
.1 million in the last
Seafood consumption is the main source of
2 years--in direct funds and services to Georgia for
toxaphene exposure for people at and near the
site. Components of technical-grade toxaphene, its
comprehensive support of its environmental health
breakdown products, or both have been detected
unit. In addition to direct funds and services, ATSDR
in edible fish from Dupree and Terry creeks.
staff provides technical and administrative guidance
Information about quantitative determinations of
for state-conducted site activities.
PCC residues in seafood from the Terry Creek area
ATSDR Site-Specific Activities
is needed. Because these data are lacking, ATSDR
classified this site as an indeterminate public
Public Health Assessment-Related Activities
health hazard.
One of the agency's important mandates is to conduct
ATSDR will reevaluate the health hazard at this
public health assessments of
all National Priorities
site when new data become available. New data
List (NPL) sites and of other sites where a significant
on fish will be assessed in a health consultation
threat to public health might exist. Nineteen sites have