Minority Health Professions
education [HE]), facilitating affected and involved
residents' ability to access health resources
Foundation Research Program
(community involvement [CI]), coordinating with
This program supplements the substance-specific
EPA to follow up with persons who have both
information needs of the public and the scientific
health and environmental concerns (HE and CI),
community and supplies necessary information for
and representing ADPH and its services at local
conducting comprehensive public health assessments
meetings and health fairs.
of hazardous waste sites. These goals will be ad-
Health Studies
dressed by initiating research to fill ATSDR-identified
Health studies are investigations conducted to deter-
data needs for priority hazardous substances, and by
mine the relationships between exposures to hazard-
enhancing existing disciplinary capacities to conduct
ous substances and adverse health effects. They also
research in environmental health at the foundation's
define health problems that require further investiga-
member institutions, one of which is the Tuskegee
tion through, for example, health surveillance or an
University School of Veterinary Medicine. The fol-
epidemiologic study. Following is an example of a
lowing studies are being jointly conducted by ATSDR
health study or investigation that ATSDR conducted or
and Tuskegee.
supported in the state of Alabama.
Multigenerational Toxic Effects of Chlordane
Hazardous Substances Emergency Events
on Reproduction and Development in Rats--
Surveillance System--HSEES was established by
Chlordane is an organochlorine pesticide previ-
ATSDR in 1990 to collect and analyze informa-
ously used as an insecticide for vegetation and as
tion about releases of hazardous substances that
a termiticide for subterranean control of termites
need to be cleaned up or neutralized according to
in house foundations. Chlordane is a mammalian
federal, state, or local law, as well as threatened
toxicant that has been banned from commercial
releases that result in a public health action, such
use since 1988. However, because of the environ-
as an evacuation. The goal of HSEES is to reduce
mental persistence of the compound, it is possible
the morbidity and mortality of first responders,
that low-level exposure still occurs. The primary
employees, and the general public resulting from
objective of this study is to determine the effect of
hazardous substances emergencies. Fifteen state
low levels of chlordane on the reproduction and
health departments, including Alabama, currently
development of rodents over multiple generations.
participate in HSEES. HSEES captures data on
Multigenerational Toxic Effects of Zinc in Ro-
over 5,000 events annually. Of these, 80% occur at
dents--Mixed results from studies in animals and
fixed facilities, and 20% are transportation-related
reports in humans indicate a need for additional
events. Most events occur between 8:00 AM and
studies to help elucidate the effects of zinc on re-
5:00 PM on Monday through Friday. Persons most
production and development. The specific aims of
often injured are employees.
this research are to investigate the potential toxic-
The HSEES system is used to generate informa-
ity of orally administered zinc on reproductive
tion for use by states to conduct presentations on
performance in rats and mice over two successive
planning prevention strategies for industries that
generations and to evaluate target organ toxicity of
account for a significant number of spills; conduct
orally administered zinc and correlate with repro-
HazMat training courses, including information on
ductive toxicity in rats and mice. The potential
the risk for injury from methamphetamine labs; es-
toxicity of zinc on target organs will be assessed
tablish and maintain protection areas for municipal
water systems; assist with the proper placement of
zinc on reproductive performance and develop-
HazMat teams; develop fact sheets on frequently
ment over the three generations.
spilled chemicals or chemicals that cause a dis-
proportionate number of injuries (e.g., chlorine
and ammonia); develop newsletters for industry,
For more information, contact ATSDR toll-free
responders, and environmental groups; and con-
at 1-888-42ATSDR (1-888-422-8737) or visit the
duct presentations for state and local emergency
ATSDR Web page at www.atsdr.cdc.gov.
September 2003