Anniston--ATSDR has been involved with a
recent examples of health consultations conducted in
range of activities in Anniston. In response to
the state.
community concerns about elevated blood PCB
Anniston PCB Site--A health consultation on this
levels, ATSDR is working with the U.S. Envi-
site was released for public comment in February
ronmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region IV,
2000, then revised and released as a final document
ADPH, and the Alabama Department of Envi-
in July 2003. The final document reflects changes
ronmental Management (ADEM) to characterize
made in response to public comments and provides
environmental contamination in west Anniston. In
May 2001, a public health assessment prepared by
this document, ATSDR reviewed data collected
ADPH for the Monsanto Company/Solutia Inc. site
by EPA and others to determine whether PCBs,
in Anniston concluded that exposure to elevated
pesticides, and dioxins in soil, blood, and air are
PCB levels in surface soil at some residences poses
a public health hazard. The document concludes
a public health hazard and could result in an in-
that (a) exposures to PCBs in some residential soils
creased risk for adverse health effects for children.
present a public health hazard; (b) approximately
The assessment also concluded that the levels of
half of the 2,712 persons tested did not have de-
PCBs in surface soil in several areas posed a public
tectable levels of PCBs (<5 micrograms per liter
health hazard to children in the past, and that not
[g/L]) in their blood, but approximately 500 per-
enough information exists to know whether PCBs
sons had elevated blood PCB levels (>20 g/L);
are in dust inside homes where the PCB-contami-
(c) exposures to PCBs in air are an indeterminate
nated surface soils have not been cleaned up. For
public health hazard; and (d) further sampling and
this reason, people at those homes may also be
evaluation are needed to assess fully the scope of
exposed by breathing PCB-contaminated dust.
A number of health consultations and exposure in-
important exposure pathways.
vestigations have been released over the past sev-
Because it is difficult to provide an accurate de-
eral years. Table 1 lists recent documents related to
scription of the public health hazards at this site,
investigations in Anniston.
public health conclusions and estimates of expo-
A health consultation is a written or oral response
sures will be reevaluated as ongoing investigations.
from ATSDR to a specific request for information
Childhood Blood Lead Levels in Anniston--
about health risks related to a specific site, chemical
ATSDR prepared a health consultation to address
release, or hazardous material. It is a more limited
questions and concerns about environmental lead
response than a public health assessment is. To
date, 91 documented health consultations have been
dren in Anniston. The consultation, released in
conducted at 54 sites in Alabama. Following are
June 2003, summarizes four activities aimed at
Table 1. Recent Documents Related to Investigations in Anniston
Document Type
Evaluation of Soil, Blood, and Air Data From Anniston, Alabama
Health consultation
July 30, 2003 (final)
Assessment of Four Activities Addressing Childhood Blood Lead Levels in
Health consultation
June 26, 2003 (final)
Anniston, Alabama
Blood Lead Screening in Anniston, Alabama
Health consultation
March 11, 2003 (final)
Anniston PCB Air Sampling
Health consultation
January 17, 2003
(public comment)
Exploring Opportunities for PCB-Related Health Studies [from ATSDR's
Spring 2002 (final)
January 2002 expert panel]
ATSDR Childhood Blood Lead Screening Project
2002 (final)
Exposure Investigation, Solutia Inc.
Exposure investigation
October 22, 2001 (final)
Monsanto/Solutia Inc.
Public health assessment
May 2001 (final)
Evaluation of Lead in the Surface Soil at the Oxford Lake Softball Complex
Health consultation
January 22, 2001 (final)
Evaluation of Lead in Residential Surface Soil From Anniston, Alabama
Health consultation
January 8, 2001 (final)
Toxicological Profile for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Update)
Toxicological profile
November 2000