exposure. In addition, an announcement about
greater than 15 micrograms per deciliter. These
the summer blood lead screening was sent home
results show continued improvement from
with the children.
1989, when 56 % had blood lead levels greater
than 10 micrograms per deciliter and 26 % had
Program staff members routinely address ques-
blood lead levels greater than 15 micrograms
tions from community members, agencies, and
per deciliter.
other states about lead exposure prevention, and
they provide materials on the health effects of
In 2002, 103 children ages 06 years in the
lead exposure and on the operation of the lead
Coeur d'Alene River Basin participated in the
intervention program. Information about the
summer screening. Four percent had blood lead
health effects associated with lead exposure is
levels greater than 10 micrograms per deciliter,
distributed to new residents in the Bunker Hill
but none had a blood lead level greater than 15
Superfund site, as well as in the Coeur d'Alene
micrograms per deciliter.
River Basin. Lead health information and lead
All children with blood lead levels of 10 micro-
disclosure requirements are routinely provided
grams per deciliter or higher received an in-
to real estate agents in the area. Project staff
home visit with a public health nurse. The nurse
members provide information and results of
identifies exposure sources, counsels the parents
environmental testing to individuals and real
educates the families on
estate agents to assist with meeting require-
nating or reducing exposure, and counsels the
ments associated with disclosure of potential
family on the appropriate medical follow-up, if
environmental hazards to prospective renters
or buyers. Staff members respond to questions
from local health care providers and provide
Educating Health
them with blood lead level screening results.
The program offers blood lead screening to
Professionals Nationwide
pregnant women who live in the area and
ATSDR works through a variety of mechanisms
provides flyers to women who participate in
to provide health education and information
the public health district's clinics and Women,
to health professionals nationally. Activities
Infants, and Children (WIC) program.
include grand rounds presentations, off-site
The goals of the lead intervention program are
seminars and workshops, newsletters, fact
as follows:
sheets, satellite broadcasts, and Web-based
training. ATSDR often enters into partner-
At least 95% of all children in each commu-
ships with other organizations in these efforts.
nity will have blood lead levels that are under
Partners include national organizations, local
the level of health concern, 10 micrograms
universities, and professional societies. ATSDR
per deciliter.
health education activities have been focused
No more than 1% of children will have blood
on implementing a national strategy to provide
lead levels greater than 15 micrograms per
environmental health training for nurses and
other frontline health care providers and on
There were 259 children ages 0-6 years in the
expanding partnerships in environmental health
Bunker Hill Superfund site who participated in
the 2002 summer screening. Two percent had
blood lead levels greater than 10 micrograms
per deciliter and 1% had blood lead levels
54 chapter 4