urine sample. In total, more than 250 urine
elevations were primarily related to air, soil,
specimens were analyzed for arsenic. Anyone
and interior dust. Blood lead screening done in
found to
have elevated arsenic levels in
the spot
fiscal year 2002 found that 22% of the children
urine sample was advised to follow up in the
72 months and younger have blood lead levels
PEHSU clinic with a 24-hour collection and a
of over 10 micrograms per deciliter, the level
hair sample, if feasible.
of health concern. Older children and adults
also show higher than expected levels of lead.
The Chicago PEHSU saw 14 children who had
In 2002, ATSDR staff members and state health
elevated initial urine levels. Follow up included
department staff members worked with the
an in-depth history and a physical as well as
Herculaneum community to complete many
the 24-hour urine collections and hair analysis.
important public health activities, including
Only two elevated levels in the 24-hour col-
comprehensive community and health profes-
lections were found, one in a child and one
sional education, a large-scale community needs
in an adult. PEHSU staff members met with
assessment, a voluntary blood lead screening
Chicago Housing Authority administrators and
program in community and schools, a com-
with community members during the screening
munity census, several important public health
period to provide risk communication. The
consultations, and planning for a proposed
source of
the arsenic was never clearly defined.
health study.
Once the presence of arsenic was identified,
however, the Chicago Housing Authority began
Bunker Hill Superfund Site
remediation efforts immediately.
Lead Health Intervention
Health Education Activities
Program, Idaho
for Communities
Another example of a community health educa-
tion program is the Bunker Hill Superfund Site
ATSDR's health education activities are
Lead Health Intervention Program. The program
designed to assist communities in understand-
provides health education, annual blood lead
ing, preventing, or mitigating adverse health
screenings, and health care provider education
effects associated with exposure to hazardous
for residents living near the site or in the Coeur
substances. These activities include providing
d'Alene River Basin. ATSDR provides most of
information and training to health care providers
the funds for the intervention program, which
and providing information to enable people in
is conducted by the Panhandle District Health
communities to prevent or reduce their exposure
to hazardous substances.
As part of the program, health educators made
For example, staff from both ATSDR and the
presentations to children in local schools. The
Missouri Department of Health and Human
presentations were age-specific, ranging from a
Services have conducted a number of health
puppet show to a hand washing demonstration
education activities in the community of
with Glo-germ powder to use of a dollhouse to
Herculaneum, Missouri, which is located near
demonstrate where lead exposure can occur in
the Doe Run lead smelter. The Doe Run lead
the home. Health education materials were sent
smelter is the largest lead smelter in the United
home with all school children. The health edu-
States, with lead smelting having been con-
cation materials included fact sheets, brochures,
ducted at Herculaneum since 1892. An ATSDR
and activity and coloring books about lead
exposure investigation found that blood lead
chapter 4 53