U.S. Department of Defense
Five toxicological profiles were finalized in FY 1999 for DOD. One
toxicological profile (for total petroleum hydrocarbons) underwent a public-
comment review and was updated to incorporate relevant information
identified during the review process. This profile will be finalized in FY 2000.
U.S. Department of Energy
Draft toxicological profiles for uranium and ionizing radiation were
developed for DOE during FY 1999 and will be released for a 90-day public-
comment period in FY 2000. These profiles will be published in final form in
FY 2000.
Child Health In Toxicological Profiles
During FY 1999, the Division of Toxicology developed 35 toxicological
profiles highlighting children's health issues by using Child Heath: Guidance for
the Preparation of Toxicological Profiles. The guidance has been published as an
appendix in Promoting Children's Health: Progress Report of the Child Health
Workgroup, Board of Scientific Counselors With New Guidance for Toxicological
Profiles, 1998-1999. A section on how to incorporate child health concerns has
now been included in the Guidance to Prepare Priority Data Needs Documents. The
toxicological profiles developed using the new guidance are now available
either as drafts for public comment or in final form.
Expanded Distribution of Toxicological Profiles
In FY 1999, 118 toxicological profiles were available on CD-ROM. The CD-
ROM was developed under a cooperative research and development
agreement with ATSDR and published by CRC Press. During FY 1999, ATSDR
continued a quality control project to update and complete the process of
placing all public health statements of final toxicological profiles on the
agency's Internet site.
Fact sheets (ToxFAQs) containing material drawn from ATSDR public
health statements have also been developed. ATSDR now has a total of 111 fact
sheets in print and posted on the Internet.
ATSDR is working to determine the relationships between adverse human
health outcomes and hazardous substances through its Substance-Specific
Applied Research Program. CERCLA, Section 104(i)(5), requires that for each
hazardous substance listed, ATSDR, in consultation with EPA and other public