of multiple sclerosis, aneurisms, and various forms
poses a significant risk to human health. It includes
of cancer in the Idamay community.
recommended measures to reduce human exposure
and eliminate, or substantially mitigate, the significant
In a health consultation released in August
risk. The advisory is issued to the U.S. Environmental
2003, WVDHHR and ATSDR concluded that
Protection Agency (EPA) to inform state and local
the Marion County
officials and the public
Landfill site poses no
about recommended ac-
public health hazard
tions. Following is an ex-
for past, present, or
ample of such an advisory
future residential
in West Virginia.
West Virginia
water use scenarios.
Ordnance Works--In
According to the West
1994, ATSDR issued a
Virginia Cancer
public health advisory at
Registry, cancer
this NPL site in Mason
incidence in the
County after determining
Idamay Community
that asbestos and physical
between 1993 and
hazards at the site were
2001 appears to be
an imminent public health
Fish advisory sign posted along the Kanawha
consistent with what
hazard. From 1942 to
would be expected.
1945, the ordnance works
The cancers observed are of the types usually seen
in West Virginia.
After operations ceased in 1945, the facilities were
Kanawha Motive Power Site--At EPA's request,
salvaged or disposed of by the U.S. government.
ATSDR conducted a health consultation on the
ATSDR found site-related human exposures to
Kanawha Motive Power site (a former mining
friable, asbestos-containing material and various
battery repair business) in April 1999. The health
physical hazards at and near the site. The public
consultation classified the site as a public health
health advisory outlined risk management
hazard, particularly to young children, on the basis
procedures to eliminate the public health hazards.
of soil lead levels. The objectives of a follow-up
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, EPA, state of
health consultation released in December 2000
West Virginia, and Mason County implemented
were to identify those children and at-risk persons
these risk management procedures. By 1995,
potentially exposed to lead in soil at the site who
approximately 200 cubic yards of asbestos-
would benefit from screening, and to ensure that
contaminated material was removed. These swift
these persons receive the services they need.
actions eliminated the imminent public health
The 2000 health consultation concluded that
hazards identified in the public health advisory.
the site had been remediated by EPA to a clean-
An exposure investigation collects information on
up level that is protective of public health for
specific human exposures through biologic sampling,
residential use of the property. Under current
personal monitoring, related environmental assess-
conditions, exposures are not at levels expected to
ment, and exposure-dose reconstruction. Following is
cause adverse human health effects.
an example of an exposure investigation conducted in
The West Virginia Bureau for Public Health
West Virginia.
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
Spelter--In 1996, ATSDR, in conjunction with
has implemented a comprehensive public health
the West Virginia Bureau of Public Health and
action plan for blood-lead-level screening and
the Harrison-Clarksburg Health Department,
surveillance of children and pregnant women at
conducted blood-lead testing of 25 children
the site.
living in the town of Spelter. This investigation
public health advisory is a
statement of
findings by
was initiated because high levels of lead were
ATSDR that a substance released into the environment
detected in tailings piles located around a former