Activities in
the Virgin Islands
ATSDR in Partnership With
about health risks related
to a specific site, chemical
the Virgin Islands
conducted three
release, or hazardous
public health
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
material. A health
Registry (ATSDR) is the lead public health agency
consultation is a more
and seven health
responsible for implementing the health-related
limited response than a
consultations in
provisions of the Comprehensive Environmental
public health assessment.
the Virgin Islands.
Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980
In the Virgin Islands,
(CERCLA). ATSDR is an Atlanta-based federal
seven health consultations
agency with more than 400 employees and a budget
have been conducted at six
for 2004 of approximately million. ATSDR
sites in the Virgin Islands:
assesses the presence and nature of health hazards at
Anguilla Landfill/DPW, Christiansted, St. Croix
specific Superfund sites, helps to prevent or reduce
(final document released 11/8/1999)
further exposure and illnesses resulting from those
hazards, and expands the knowledge base about the
Bovoni Dump, St. Thomas, St. Thomas (final
health effects of exposure to hazardous substances.
document released 12/23/1999)
Island Chemical Corporation/Virgin Island
ATSDR Site-Specific Activities
Chemical Company, Christiansted, St. Croix
(final documents released 5/25/1989 and
Public Health Assessment-Related Activities
One of ATSDR's important mandates is to conduct
Monroe and Sibilly Elementary School,
public health assessments of
all National Priorities
St. Thomas, St. Thomas (final document released
List (NPL) sites and of other sites where a significant
threat to public health might exist. A public health
assessment is a written, comprehensive evaluation
Susannaberg Landfill, St. John, St. John (final
of available data and information about the release
document released 5/15/1992)
of hazardous substances into the environment in a
Virgin Islands (nonsite-specific) (final document
specific geographic area. Such releases are assessed
released 7/12/1990).
for past, current, or future impact on public health.
ATSDR, in collaboration with public health and
Following is an example of a health consultation
environmental officials from the Virgin Islands, has
conducted by ATSDR in the Virgin Islands.
conducted public health assessments at three sites in
Monroe and Sibilly Elementary School--
the territory:
Congressional Delegate Donna M. Christensen
Bovoni Dump, St. Thomas, St. Thomas (final
(D-VI) asked ATSDR to evaluate drinking water
document released 1/9/1998)
cisterns contaminated with volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) in the Monroe and Sibilly
Island Chemical Corporation, Christiansted,
Elementary School, St. Thomas. ATSDR was
St. Croix (final document released 5/19/1998)
Tutu Wellfield, St. Thomas, St. Thomas (final
found in the cisterns could be responsible for
document released 5/14/1996).
upset stomachs and rashes in students at the
A health consultation is a written or oral response
from ATSDR to a specific request for information
water came from the Tutu Wellfield site.