would be better prepared to address individual
water on or near DLA in No Name and Kingsland
concerns that result from their potential exposure.
Creeks. The health consultation concluded that no
As a result, ATSDR prepared letters and
current human health hazard exists from exposure
information packets for the physician contacts
to surface water in the creeks.
provided by the residents.
Former Nansemond Ordnance Depot (FNOD)
Also in May 2001, VDEQ asked ATSDR to
Site, Suffolk--The FNOD site is a 975-acre
determine whether recommendations in a 1993
former military facility near Portsmouth. During
health assessment of DLA were adequately
addressed. In a health consultation released
World Wars I and II and the intervening years,
in June 2002, ATSDR reviewed those eight
the depot was used for various activities related
recommendations and evaluated the public health
to the preparation, processing, storage, shipment,
actions taken.
salvage, reconditioning, and disposal of
Avtex Fibers Facility, Front Royal--In August
part of the site. Major development projects are
2001, ATSDR recommended air monitoring
planned for the site and may include residential
development in the future. In 1995 and 1996,
(hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide, and other
ATSDR conducted health consultations to address
sulfur compounds) to which people in the
community near the Front Royal Avtex facility
Several homes were connected to the public
could be exposed. In June 2002, ATSDR
water system in response to recommendations
reviewed the air sampling information collected
made in ATSDR's consultation. Since the site's
as a result of our recommendation and concluded
addition to the NPL, ATSDR has begun its public
that no health effects would be expected from
health assessment process. ATSDR scientists
the levels of
hydrogen sulfide detected during
have been reviewing existing data associated with
the period of sampling. However, hydrogen
sulfide levels may reach nuisance levels in the
ordnance at the site and have evaluated the
community at times, and we do not know whether
potential future uses of the site. The public health
peak concentrations are high enough to trigger
assessment will be released for public comment
reactions in sensitive individuals. Time-integrated
in fall 2003.
sampling over 24 hours did not detect the target
Health Education and Community Activities
compounds hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide, or
the other 18 sulfur compounds analyzed. ATSDR
As part of its ongoing outreach activities in affected
recommended additional monitoring at various
communities, ATSDR staff takes proactive steps
times of the year and during times that excavation
to involve communities in identifying their health
activities are being conducted at the site.
concerns and developing actions to address them.
An example of this type of involvement in Virginia
In September 2002, ATSDR hosted an open
house in the community in response to health
concerns expressed by residents of nearby
Saltville Waste Disposal Site--The two main
communities. The purpose of the open house was
health concerns in the community are mercury
for ATSDR to gather community health concerns
contamination in the Holston River and soda
about the site, with the goal of developing an
ash in soil. As part of its involvement in the
appropriate health education program for the
community, ATSDR conducted an educational
community. Some of the residents provided
planning workshop, during which residents
the names of their physicians and expressed a
identified five health education projects for
desire to have the more technical aspects of the
Saltville. One project involved residents
hazardous substances at the site (particularly
distributing fliers about state restrictions on
hydrogen sulfide) presented directly to a group
eating fish from the North Fork of the Holston
of local physicians. They felt that physicians
River. Another included a series of presentations
familiar with their private medical histories
to children from the Saltville Elementary School.