International Minerals and Chemicals
pesticides, and volatile organic compounds
(IMC) and Arkwright Dump Sites--The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) asked
Sediment and surface water samples evaluated
ATSDR to review and evaluate analytical data
for a health consultation released in October
2002 contained a few pesticides, including DDT,
soil, sediments, and home dust near these sites
chlordane, and mirex. None of the pesticides
in Spartanburg.
were found in
IMC is a
sediment above
former fertilizer
screening levels. Most
of the pesticides were
facility in a
not above detection
mixed residential,
limits and were
industrial, and
given as estimated
undeveloped area;
the Arkwright
ATSDR classifies this
dump received
playing and wading
in the ditches at this
automotive, and
site as no public health
medical waste until
An exposure in-
Samples of surface
vestigation collects
soil, sediments,
ATSDR staff member collecting a well water sample at
information on spe-
and home dust
a home in Simpsonville/Fountain Inn.
cific human exposures
were analyzed
through biologic sampling, personal monitoring,
for metals, dioxins, and some soil nutrients.
related environmental assessment, and exposure-
The purpose of a health consultation released in
dose reconstruction. ATSDR and staff from South
September 2002 was to address possible health
Carolina have conducted several exposure investiga-
effects to current residents living near the sites.
tions in the state. Following is a recent example of
ATSDR classified this site as an indeterminate
several exposure investigations conducted at one site
public health hazard because the environmental
in South Carolina.
data were insufficient. The extent of dioxin
Simpsonville/Fountain Inn--Testing conducted
by SCDHEC in early 2001 found elevated
dust on surfaces in homes have not been fully
levels of uranium in water from some private
characterized; likewise, data characterizing the
wells in Simpsonville and Fountain Inn.
The uranium was naturally occurring and not
result of
industrial pollution. In
April 2001,
Ditch Sampling Data--The Bureau of Land and
an exposure investigation (EI) was conducted
Waste Management with the South Carolina
in this community. The purpose of this first EI
Department of Health and Environmental
was to assess human exposure to uranium from
Control (SCDHEC) asked the Division of
drinking water. This EI documented the presence
Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) to evaluate
of elevated concentrations of uranium in many
the potential health risks associated with wading
of the private wells that were tested and in urine
and playing in
three drainage ditches near the
uranium levels of well owners.
former Myrtle Beach Air Force Base. These
A second EI was conducted in October 2001,
ditches historically received runoff from the
810 months after participants reported that they
closed base. Surface water and sediment samples
had stopped drinking the well water. Because
were collected from the ditches and analyzed
90% of the residents in the first EI had elevated
for metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),
urine uranium levels, the purpose of this follow-