to develop community education and activities to help
select the best photos from the 25 finalists. Photos
communities prevent exposure to hazardous substances
selected by the local judges will be used to cre-
in the environment. On Vieques, ATSDR has provided
ate products such as mouse pads and note cards.
five physician training sessions, four RN training ses-
These products will be used to reinforce the need
sions that offered continuing nursing education credits,
to preserve the natural beauty and unique habitat of
three Head Start presentations for parents and teachers,
the island as well as educate the community about
and two community education sessions.
environmental conservation and promote the 4-H
environmental summer camp program.
PRDOH is working with communities affected by
chemical exposures related to the Vega Baja Landfill,
Community Environment and Health Resource
Pesticide Warehouse II, Juncos Landfill, and Scorpio
Center: ATSDR is working with community mem-
Recycling sites. Activities include the development of
bers to establish a community resource center
comprehensive needs assessments.
where both community members and island visitors
can access environmental and health educational
Of special interest is a set of children's coloring books
materials. Resources will be available in both
about preventing and mitigating lead exposures. These
English and Spanish. Evaluation of the center will
culturally appropriate materials were developed with
include the number of people accessing the center
the assistance of community members near the Vega
and a breakdown of user age range, user character-
Baja Landfill site.
istics (e.g., occupation, student), and the type and
Following are the four major health education activities
category of books or resources being used.
related to Vieques in fiscal year 2004.
Mi Isla Bonita Youth Photo Project--Since 2001,
(ToxRAP): The ToxRap curriculum developed by
ATSDR has supported the Annual 4-H Environ-
the Environmental and Occupational Health Sci-
mental Camp held on Vieques. In 2003, ATSDR
ences Institute in New Jersey was translated into
worked with the Puerto Rico Agriculture Exten-
Spanish for use on Vieques. Tox RAP is a hands-on
sion Office and the Vieques Conservation and
curriculum series to teach students in grades K9
Historical Trust to expand its involvement with
how to evaluate an environmental health problem.
the camp. The camp runs for 3 weeks every sum-
The curriculum will increase environmental health
mer, and approximately 100 youth participate.
literacy among Vieques students, and environmen-
Weekly themes are conservation of the environ-
tal health sciences materials will be distributed to
ment; personal safety before, during, and after natu-
Vieques educators. Teacher training is scheduled
ral disasters; and self-esteem and personal health.
for summer 2004.
During the 2003 camp, ATSDR supported the Mi
Newsletter: Eight newsletter issues are being
Isla Bonita youth photo project. The photo proj-
mailed to everyone on Vieques. Topics include an
ect was developed to encourage the children who
introduction to ATSDR and information on toxicol-
participated in the camp to discover the beauty of
the island and to reinforce the need to keep Vieques
the fish public health assessment and the impor-
beautiful through conservation efforts. As part
tance of
nutrition for the immune system, the soil
of the contest, more than 40 children and young
public health assessment and an explanation on
people who attended the camp were given dispos-
how to take an exposure history, cancer and cancer
able cameras. For 2 weeks, they took photographs
clusters, asthma and the public health assessment
of the island while on field trips and during other
on air, and psychosocial stress and NPL sites.
activities. The campers also learned about photo
from a local professional photographer.
At the end of the project, nearly 400 photos were
developed. Twenty-five of these photos were se-
For more information, contact ATSDR toll-free
lected by ATSDR for a public exhibit and contest
at 1-888-42ATSDR (1-888-422-8737) or visit
in Vieques in January 2004. Members of the con-
the ATSDR Web site at
servation trust recruited a local panel of judges to
July 2004