health assessment for the site. ATSDR also held
health; however, continued exposure over a
a public availability sessions at the Petrolia Fire
lifetime poses a low increased cancer risk.
Hall on July 15, 2003, to discuss the public
ATSDR and PADOH are planning a meeting in
health assessment process and gather health
the community in fall 2003 to accept community
concerns from the
comments and answer
community. During
questions about the
the public availability
agencies' ongoing activities
session, ATSDR met
at the site.
one-on-one with
A health consultation is
approximately 100
a written or oral response
community members.
from ATSDR to a specific
Because no health
request for information
guidelines have been
about health risks related
developed for the
to a specific site, chemical
chemicals of concern
release, or hazardous
at this site, ATSDR is
material. It is a more
conducting a review
limited response than a
of the available
public health assessment is.
scientific literature
To date, 265 documented
PADOH/ATSDR blood-lead screening and
on health effects
health consultations have
information tent at Hamburg Community Days,
associated with
been conducted at 158 sites
August 2003.
exposure to these
in Pennsylvania, including
chemicals. The results of the toxicologic evaluation
the following recent examples.
will be incorporated into the public health
Hamburg Lead--EPA asked ATSDR to comment
assessment for the Bear Creek Chemical Area site,
on the public health implications posed by lead
which is expected to be completed by July 2004.
Watson Johnson Landfill--In September 2003,
Hamburg Lead site in Hamburg. The Hamburg
PADOH and ATSDR released a public comment
Lead site encompasses several properties, including
draft health assessment for the Watson Johnson
the Berry site, Hamburg Field House, Hamburg
Landfill site in Richland Township. PADOH
Playground, Ambulance Garage site, Geary Drive
and ATSDR began work at this community in
site, and Kaercher Creek site. Soil in residential
2000 at the request of the U.S. Environmental
areas and other properties throughout the region is
Protection Agency (EPA). To date, PADOH and
contaminated with lead from battery cases used as
ATSDR have released two health consultations that
fill material, and also from aerial disposition from a
review private well data for this site, participated
former lead smelter.
in several community meetings, and gone door-to-
ATSDR released health consultations related to
door to talk to residents about their questions and
various land parcels for the Hamburg Lead site in
1993, 1995, 2000, and 2003. The most recent of
The purpose of the health assessment was to
these consultations involved the Kaercher Creek,
evaluate the site's impact on the community's
Geary Drive, and Ambulance Garage sites, and
health from all environmental media, including
were released in January, March, and June 2003,
groundwater, surface water, soils, and sediments.
One conclusion in the health assessment is that
The Kaercher Creek health consultation concluded
levels that, if ingested over a lifetime, could cause a
sediment is likely to have an adverse impact on
low to moderate increased risk for cancer. Another
human health, especially for developing fetuses and
conclusion is that volatile organic compounds
children up to 6 years old. ATSDR classified this
site as a public health hazard that requires public
at levels that are not expected harm residents'