Department and by representatives of the
a public health action plan that included the
Regional Childhood Lead Resource Center
development of an emergency response plan for
(Seneca County Health Department). Twenty-
three children who lived in the area or spent
testing, the installation of perimeter air monitors
significant time there were screened. All blood
levels were below 10 g/dL, the children's lead-
and physician and community education on
risk screening level established by the Centers
hydrogen sulfide exposure. Additional air sampling
for Disease Control and Prevention; therefore,
identified unacceptable levels of hydrogen sulfide
HAS has determined that the facility currently
in the community, which prompted enforcement
action by Ohio EPA and EPA. This enforcement
poses no apparent health hazard to area children.
action, which included hydrogen sulfide source
Protection Agency (EPA), Ohio EPA, Eagle-Picher
identification and elimination, has significantly
Industries, Inc., and the Bunting Bearings Corp.
improved air quality in the community.
to remove or mitigate the potential public health
Enforcement agencies continue to work with the
facility to address violations at the site, and to
off-site residential surface soils and sediments
implement continuous site characterization to
ensure contaminant leaching off-site does not
occur. Two additional documents addressing air
An exposure investigation collects information on
and residential well testing have been prepared, and
specific human exposures through biologic sampling,
ATSDR continues to work with residents through
personal monitoring, related environmental assess-
health education and risk communication. All of
ment, and exposure-dose reconstruction. ATSDR staff
these activities were accomplished within 1 year of
members have conducted four exposure investigations
the initial site visit.
in Ohio, including the following recent example.
Health Education and Community Activities
Warren Recycling--Community representatives
and the school board in Warren Township asked
agreement program since 1989. Under this program,
ATSDR to investigate health effects from hydrogen
ODH has received funding and technical assistance
sulfide exposure. Residents believed that Warren
for the development of community education and
Recycling's local construction and demolition
activities associated with human exposure to hazard-
debris landfill was emitting hydrogen sulfide gas at
ous substances in the environment. In the last 2 years,
levels that were negatively impacting their health.
eight education materials were developed in support of
ATSDR began an investigation of the facility on
13 environmental health education seminars, work-
the basis of community health concerns identified
shops, or town meetings. More than 600 Ohio residents
through interviews with more than 200 residents,
attended these events. Recent activities include com-
the Warren Township trustees, and the LaBrae
munity meetings with the Sierra Club (AK Steel site),
School Board. The symptoms reported were
fact sheets addressing exposure to hazardous substanc-
consistent with hydrogen sulfide exposure, and
es (Bison Corporation and John Mercer Property
included eye irritation, nausea, vomiting, headache,
sites) and lead exposure (Lexington Manor site),
dizziness, fatigue, and loss of appetite/weight. A
and a meeting with local residents to discuss results
quick-turnaround health consultation was prepared
of groundwater sampling (Urbana Residential Well
based on a review of limited air sampling data. The
document, released in September 2002, identifies
hydrogen sulfide levels as high as 13 ppm in
In September 2003, HAS, in association with the
ambient air, concludes that hydrogen sulfide levels
Southern Ohio Medical Center and the Association
detected within the community pose a public health
of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC),
hazard, and recommends specific actions that
conducted two education sessions to provide local
should be taken to address this hazard.
physicians and nurses with information on the
toxic properties and potential adverse health effects
To implement these recommendations, a
associated with exposures to benzene and 1,3-
multiagency workgroup of local, state, and federal
butadiene. The sessions grew out of a request at a May
partners was created. The multiagency workgroup
2003 public meeting on the New Boston Coke plant.
met weekly to address issues in Warren and created