ATSDR also concluded that hair mineral
study process. EPA is collecting environment
analysis results do not reliably indicate either
samples at and around the site. ATSDR is
environmental exposures or the need for treatment
reviewing environmental data for the public health
(i.e., chelation therapy) for environmental disease.
In homes where lead and copper levels in water
Health Education and Community Activities
samples exceeded the technical treatment action
As part of its ongoing outreach activities in
level, ATSDR recommended further sampling
affected communities, ATSDR proactively involves
to identify the source of those levels, and the
communities in identifying their health concerns
Mississippi Department of Health (MSDOH)
and developing actions to address them. A needs
assessment illustrates this type of involvement.
for those individuals if requested by residents.
ATSDR is conducting a needs assessment to determine
ATSDR is developing a health consultation
the health education needs of the community and
health care providers in relation to the Dupont site in
emissions from the Dupont DeLisle plant and its
potential for public health impact. ATSDR also is
Health Studies
developing a health consultation about the plant's
Health studies are investigations to determine the
dioxin-congener contaminated waste and its
relations between exposures to hazardous substances
potential for public health impact.
and adverse health effects. They also define health
ATSDR will provide physician and community
problems that require further investigation through,
environmental health education about issues
for example, health surveillance or an epidemiologic
such as hair analysis and appropriate recognition,
study. Following are examples of health studies or
diagnosis, and treatment of diseases related to
investigations that ATSDR conducted or supported in
environmental exposures.
Wood Treating, Incorporated--In 1999, EPA
Long-Term Health Effects of Methyl Parathion
Region IV asked ATSDR to review data for the
in Children, A Follow-Up Study--To investigate
Wood Treating, Inc., site in Picayune. The purpose
the long-term health effects of methyl parathion
of the request was to determine whether levels of
exposure in children, ATSDR conducted
neurobehavioral testing on Mississippi and Ohio
posting of
warnings and fencing to
limit human
children aged 6 years or under at the time of
exposure. The property is in a mostly residential
methyl parathion spraying. Children's exposure
area, and residents had access to
the site, drainage
status was determined by results of environmental
ditch, and nearby stream (Mill Creek).
wipe samples for methyl parathion from residences
and urine testing for paranitrophenol (a metabolite
compounds was detected in two samples taken off-
of methyl parathion).
site downstream of the facility. ATSDR concluded
ATSDR collected data that included a computer-
that exposure may result in a potential increase
assisted personal interview and the pediatric
in risk for some children. ATSDR recommended
environmental neurobehavioral test battery
restricted access to the site until additional
(PENTB). The PENTB consists of interviews
sampling could be conducted to determine the
and questionnaires for the parent/guardian and
neurobehavioral testing of children 4 years of
EPA held a remedial investigation kick-off public
age and older. Data were collected in summer
availability meeting in Picayune in April 2004.
1999 (year 1) and again in summer 2000 (year
Representatives from EPA Region IV, MSDEQ,
2). In year 1, a total of 146 children in Ohio and
MSDOH, and ATSDR responded to questions
181 children in Mississippi participated in the
from the community. About 125 people attended
study; in year 2, a total of 106 (73%) children
the meeting. EPA recapped history of the site, then
in Ohio and 154 (85%) children in Mississippi
explained the remedial investigation/feasibility