risk. Health risks from air emissions from the
children who played on the piles of waste materials
other facilities were indeterminate because air
or vermiculite, and residents who lived near the
monitoring was insufficient. All of these facilities
site is a public health hazard. Current exposure
have undergone or are undergoing modifications
to residual waste materials by residents in the
that may correct air quality problems.
area of the site has been addressed by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) removal.
In a public health assesement released in January
MDH is continuing to investigate people exposed
2004, additional monitoring was recommended to
to asbestos from this site.
verify compliance with standards. No evidence was
Crenlo Inc. Plant #2--In October 2001, MDH
Limited investigation suggests significant bacterial
was contacted by MPCA about community
concerns that a truck-painting facility in Rochester
was emitting large quantities of chemicals near a
is recommended. MDH also noted that many of
day-care facility. Because MDH was concerned
the problems investigated at this facility appear to
that acute health criteria were being exceeded,
apply to other facilities as well.
MPCA installed an ambient air monitor. Results
did not indicate that volatile organic compounds
A health consultation is a written or oral response
were present at levels of immediate concern, but
from ATSDR to a specific request for information
certain chemicals (benzene, formaldehyde, carbon
about health risks related to a specific site, chemical
tetrachloride), probably not emissions from Crenlo,
release, or hazardous material. A health consultation is
were detected at levels above long-term health
a more limited response than a public health assess-
criteria. In response to MDH recommendations in a
ment is. To date, 142 documented health consultations
March 2003 health consultation, MPCA revised the
have been conducted at 97 sites in Minnesota, includ-
Crenlo air permit to further limit emissions. MDH
ing the following recent examples.
also concluded that caution should be exercised
Western Mineral Products--The Western
when siting day-care facilities in an industrial park.
Mineral Products site in Minneapolis was used
Weston Woods Development Site--Weston
for insulation products manufacturing from
Woods is a residential development near the
1936 to 1989. The plant received vermiculite
former Highway 96 Dump near St. Paul. When
ore from Libby, Montana, and processed the ore
the development was proposed, MPCA asked
into insulation, fireproofing material, and other
MDH to review potential public health impacts
vermiculite products. The vermiculite ore from
connected with soil vapor migration from the
the mine in Libby contained large amounts of
dump. In an April 2003 health consultation, MDH
concluded that a gas interceptor trench was not
agreement with ATSDR, MDH conducted a health
fully preventing methane gas migration. MDH
consultation identifying health concerns related
recommended that frequent methane monitoring
to asbestos exposure from the site. Workers at
needed to be implemented, and that the trench
the plant were exposed to levels of asbestos in
should be modified to improve its performance.
excess of current occupational standards for much
MDH also recommended methane monitoring for
of the time the plant was in operation, and cases
townhomes nearest the trench, and postponement
of asbestos-related disease have been reported in
of development in certain areas near the trench
former workers.
until the gas migration problems are solved.
Approximately 260 properties around the former
A plan for long-term maintenance of control
plant have been identified as contaminated with
systems in homes also was recommended. These
asbestos-containing wastes from the site. EPA has
recommendations have been implemented.
removed asbestos-contaminated soil from these
St. Regis Paper Company--A draft health
properties and adjoining alleys. Low levels of
consultation for the St. Regis Paper Company site
asbestos have been detected in some air samples
in Cass Lake was prepared by MDH, ATSDR,
collected around the site. The health consultation
and the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe. The health
released in October 2003, concluded that past
consultation, released for public comment in
exposure to asbestos by workers in the plant,