Survey, and the Penobscot Nation developed
Of the 444 people included in the study, 35 died
during the 20-year period. When compared with
sediments and fish tissue from portions of the
the U.S. population, after adjusting for age, race,
Penobscot River. After the sampling from outside
sex, and year of death, and using standardized
sources is complete, ATSDR will analyze the fish
mortality ratios (SMRs) for specific causes of
tissue data in the form of a health consultation and
death as well as for all causes of death, the SMRs
will recommend health education if needed.
for these categories were no greater than expected.
These data indicated that excessive deaths did not
Health Education and Community Activities
occur in the cohort. The final report was published
As part of its ongoing outreach activities in affected
in June 1993.
communities, ATSDR takes proactive steps to involve
communities in identifying their health concerns
Resource Materials
and developing actions to address them. A recent
ATSDR develops materials for public health profes-
example of this type of involvement in Maine is
sionals and medical care providers to use to assess the
an informational fact sheet created for community
public health impacts of chemical exposures. These
members near the Callahan Mining Corporation
resources are available in print, on the ATSDR Web
site. The objective of the fact sheet was to identify
site, and on CD-ROM. For example, medical man-
community concerns related to the site.
agement guidelines are available for acute chemical
Health Studies
exposures to more than 50 chemicals. These guidelines
were designed to aid emergency department physicians
Health studies are investigations to determine the rela-
and other emergency health care professionals, such as
tions between exposures to hazardous substances and
first responders, who manage acute exposures result-
adverse health effects. Health studies also define health
ing from chemical incidents. ATSDR's toxicological
problems that require further investigation through,
profiles comprehensively describe health effects; path-
for example, health surveillance or an epidemiologic
ways of human exposure; and the behavior of more
study. Following are examples of past health studies or
than 250 hazardous substances in air, soil, and water
investigations that ATSDR conducted or supported in
at hazardous waste sites. The toxicological profiles are
used primarily as a comprehensive resource by health
McKin Dump Site--In 1987, the Maine
professionals at all levels. These profiles have been
Department of Health Services (MDHS)
sent to requesters, including representatives of federal,
conducted a study of persons exposed to
state, and local health and environmental departments;
contaminated well water near the McKin Dump
academic institutions; private industries; and nonprofit
Site. The objective of the study was to evaluate
organizations in Maine. ATSDR also has developed
heart, urinary, skin, liver, eye, blood, and
extensive resources for community members.
immunologic systems in Gray residents and former
Gray residents whose health could have been
Too few people participated in the study to
draw substantive conclusions. Low participation
occurred despite repeated efforts to locate potential
study participants. Overall, the results of this study
did not indicate that the health of any exposed
residents had been severely compromised.
Union Chemical Company--This study
conducted by ATSDR provided technical
assistance to MDHS. The study assessed the
mortality patterns of a South Hope cohort who
For more information, contact ATSDR toll-free
lived within a 1-mile radius of the Union Chemical
at 1-888-42ATSDR (1-888-422-8737) or visit the
Company site at any time between 1967 and 1987.
ATSDR Web site at
March 2004