ATSDR released a public health assessment in
adversely affecting private drinking water wells
September 2001 to evaluate exposure pathways
downgradient from that landfill. Of the two
and to respond to community concerns about
identified private wells, one is closed and the other
past, current, and potential future exposures to
environmental contaminants originating from
Soil Gas Pathway Because contaminated
the base. Exposure pathways discussed in the
groundwater is on base, the potential exists
public health assessment were chosen on the basis
for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to
of evaluations made during the site visits, an
enter buildings built above contaminated
examination of environmental data, and concerns
groundwater plumes. ATSDR concluded that VOC
raised by regulators, the community, and the Air
Force environmental program. ATSDR reached
soil gas beneath occupied buildings were too low
conclusions about surface soil, surface water and
to be of health concern.
A health consultation is a written or oral response
Surface Soil Pathway Surface soil at the base
from ATSDR to a specific request for information
is contaminated as a result of site activities such
about health risks related to a specific site, chemical
as landfilling and fire training. ATSDR focused
release, or hazardous material. A health consultation
its evaluation on areas frequently accessed by
is a more limited response than a public health
base residents or visitors. In the past, surface
assessment. In Maryland, 52 health consultations
soil surrounding two sandblasted water towers
have been conducted at 37 sites, including the
had elevated lead concentrations. Soil sampling
following recent examples.
around one tower showed lead, cadmium, and
Beltsville Asbestos Exposure Review Site--The
chromium at
levels below those of
concern. That
former W.R. Grace/Zonolite site in Beltsville is
means exposure to that soil does not pose a current
among 28 Phase 1 sites in ATSDR's National As-
health hazard. Soil surrounding the other tower
bestos Exposure Review (NAER) being conducted
is being evaluated to further define the extent of
with other federal, state, and local environmental
and public health agencies. NAER examines more
than 200 U.S. sites that received asbestos-contami-
housing units, former soccer fields, southern golf
nated vermiculite ore mined in Libby, Montana,
course, and off-site flight-line area do not pose a
from the 1920s until 1990. The 28 Phase 1 sites,
past, current, or future health hazard to residents or
which received 80% of the vermiculite mined in
Libby in 19641980, may have received vermicu-
Surface Water and Sediment Pathway Surface
lite from Libby at any time during the years the
water that originates on base flows via tributaries
mine operated. All Phase 1 sites ceased processing
into either the Patuxent or Potomac rivers.
the vermiculite by the early 1990s.
Many of these tributaries are used for recreation
ATSDR is working closely with the U.S.
downstream from the base. ATSDR evaluated the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state
potential exposure to people, including children,
health partners to determine whether a hazard to
who may use on-site and off-site rivers and creeks
public health exists at any of the NAER sites.
for recreation. On-site and off-site surface water
The Beltsville site operated from 1966 until the
at levels of health concern for people who use
early 1990s. Records from 1966 through 1988
these waterways for recreation.
indicate that more than 93,000 tons of vermiculite
were processed at this site. Since 1998, Atlantic
Groundwater Pathway:
Groundwater Pathway Groundwater on base
Transportation Equipment, Ltd. (ATEL) has
is contaminated; however, it is not used for
leased the property for a truck maintenance and
drinking. Plumes migrating off base have the
repair shop. The shop is in the former vermiculite-
potential to affect drinking water wells off base.
processing building.
Of the nine defined plumes, only the plume
Recent EPA soil tests detected no residual Libby
originating from a former landfill has migrated
asbestos in on-site soil. Most of the site is covered
off base. Contaminated groundwater is not