be an underestimate of actual cancer incidence in
captures data on over 8,000 events annually. Of
the 1-mile site proximity zone.
these, 80% occur at fixed facilities, and 20% are
transportation-related events. Most events occur
Bayou Bonfouca, St. Tammany Parish--A
from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday.
health statistics review was conducted at this
Persons most often injured are employees.
site to evaluate the relationship between cancer
Exposure to Tremolite Asbestos in Vermiculite
occurrence and site proximity. The review also
Ore--In fiscal year 2001, ATSDR entered into
included an assessment of selected birth outcomes.
This review included many types of cancers;
health statistics reviews related to human exposure
therefore, in addition to all cancers combined,
to contaminated vermiculite ore at sites in
Louisiana that received or processed ore from the
specific types were also assessed. Results of this
review have been peer reviewed and are being
W.R. Grace mine in Libby, Montana.
finalized by ATSDR.
Minority Health Professions
Foundation (MHPF) Research
health statistics review was conducted on this
site to evaluate the relationship between cancer
occurrence and site proximity. The review also
The MHPF program supplements the substance-spe-
included an assessment of selected birth outcomes.
cific information needs of the public and the scientific
community and supplies necessary information for
vanadium, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
conducting comprehensive public health assessments
This review included many types of cancers;
of hazardous waste sites. The program addresses
therefore, in addition to all cancers combined,
ATSDR's goals to ascertain the relation between
specific types were also assessed. Results of this
exposure to toxic substances and disease and to build
review have been peer reviewed and are being
and enhance effective partnerships. The purpose of the
finalized by ATSDR.
MHPF program is to initiate research to fill ATSDR-
Louisiana Database Project State-Based
identified data needs for priority hazardous substances,
Surveillance--This project uses geographic
and to enhance existing disciplinary capacities to
information system (GIS) technology to create
conduct research in environmental health at MHPF
a surveillance system by joining state health
member institutions, one of which is Xavier Univer-
outcome databases in Louisiana with appropriate
sity of Louisiana, which has been funded since fiscal
environmental databases. The resulting
year 1992. The university is conducting an environ-
surveillance system will allow identification of
mental assessment study to determine the concentra-
specific areas of exposure and increased disease
tions and distribution of
arsenic, selenium, mercury,
prevalence throughout the state and, subsequently,
and molybdenum in urban and rural environments of
appropriate analytic epidemiologic investigations.
New Orleans.
Tumor registry and birth and death data for the
Mississippi River parishes are being added to
the system. A pilot project demonstrating the
use of GIS as a tool for managing and analyzing
existing demographic, environmental, and health
outcome databases in Ascension Parish has been
blood-lead data and environmental factors in
Orleans Parish and Lafourche Parish has been
Hazardous Substances Emergency Events
For more information, contact ATSDR toll-free
Surveillance System (HSEES)--Fifteen state
at 1-888-42ATSDR (1-888-422-8737) or visit
health departments, including Louisiana,
the ATSDR Web site at
participate in ATSDR's HSEES. Overall, HSEES
August 2004