expected to cause adverse health effects. ISDH
The purpose of the exposure investigation released
and ATSDR also recommended continuing the
in February 2001 was to determine whether
investigation to identify the geographical extent
residents who live downwind from the facility
of the MTBE plume and other private wells that
are being exposed to airborne EDC and VC at
might be impacted.
health hazard levels. The investigation was jointly
completed by the Hammond Department of
Prestolite Battery Plant--The former Prestolite
Environmental Management, ATSDR, and the
Battery Plant in Vincennes is undergoing
residents of Hammond. Data used included the
redevelopment efforts to return the property
following: air samples collected downwind of
to productive land use. While the plant was
Keil's EDC and VC emissions, source samples
in operation, manufacturing process wastes
collected at Keil during air sampling, and
and wastewater became laden with lead, lead
oxides, lead sulfates, and sulfuric acid. These
sampling. The target population was all residents
lead-containing sludges and wastewater were
who live within 1.5 miles of the facility.
discharged to an on-site sewer system. Over time,
these sewer lines became plugged with lead-
The exposure investigation concluded that
contained sludges and, as a result of leaks and
concentrations of EDC and VC detected in
sewer line back-ups, the soils around these sewers
Hammond's ambient air do not pose a public
and associated pumps became contaminated.
health hazard. Emissions of EDC and VC are
Additionally, lead dust was also released from
ongoing and variable, indicating inconsistent
the plant's ventilation system. The lead dust
efficiency of
air pollution control. Past exposures
is believed to have contaminated the surface
will be addressed in an ATSDR petitioned health
plant. Accidental spills of process materials also
Health Education and Community Activities
Indiana has been a participant in ATSDR's coop-
soils. All residences near the former Prestolite site
erative agreement program since 1988. Under this
have been placed on municipal water.
program, ISDH has received funding and technical
In a health consultation released in September
assistance for the development of community educa-
2003, ISDH concluded that no apparent health
tion and activities associated with human exposure to
hazard exists at the site. Off-site and on-site
hazardous substances in the environment. During fiscal
year 2003, nine different educational materials were
are not expected to cause human health concerns.
developed in support of environmental health educa-
However, ISDH also concluded that a physical
tion activities at 10 sites.
hazard is present on-site because of construction
Activity in Elkhart (the Conrail Rail Yard site) began
debris, and ISDH recommended its removal.
with a community needs assessment as the basis for a
An exposure investigation collects information on
comprehensive health education program for residents.
specific human exposures through biologic sampling,
Among material developed for residents was a bro-
personal monitoring, related environmental assess-
chure on handling common household chemicals. This
ment, and exposure-dose reconstruction. ATSDR staff
brochure was also used for health education at other
members have conducted four exposure investigations
sites throughout the state.
in Indiana, including the following recent example.
Considerable health education activity has been con-
Keil Chemical--Hammond residents were
ducted for residents near the Bedford General Motor
concerned that emissions from Keil Chemical
site. Sixty-nine percent of residents and 20% of physi-
are adversely impacting their health, and they
cians responded to a community needs assessment
petitioned ATSDR to evaluate whether chemical
focused on polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Seven-
releases from the Keil Chemical facility posed
ty-six percent of residents responded that they would
a health hazard. To make the health evaluation,
like to receive information on how to protect their
ATSDR proposed an exposure investigation to
family's health, and 56% of physicians responded that
sample the community's air for chemicals emitted
they would like to receive information on ways their
by the facility.