contacted former participants in the Study of
Health Education and Community Activities
Female Former Workers at a Lead Smelter: An
Examination of the Possible Association of Lead
agreement program since 1992. Under this program,
Exposure and Decreased Bone Density and Other
IDHW has received funding and technical assistance
Health Outcomes. The current follow-up study
for the development of community education and
was conducted to assess changes in bone mineral
activities associated with human exposure to hazard-
density over time in relation to lead body burden
ous substances in the environment. During FYs 2003
and to evaluate how vitamin D, calcium, and
and 2004, 38 educational materials were developed in
parathyroid hormone levels effect bone mineral
support of 47 different environmental health education
density. Of the 108 women participants in the
seminars, workshops, or town meetings. More than
baseline study, 73 (68%) women were identified
125 Idaho residents and American Indians attended
and willing to participate, 19 (17%) refused to
these events, and more than 60,000 copies of the
participate, 3 (3%) were deceased, and 13 (12%)
material were distributed. IDHW has developed on
were never located. The study is completing the
a wide range of environmental health topics for use
peer review process and is scheduled for release in
by teachers in grades K12 in public school districts,
spring 2004.
tribal education centers, and private schools through-
out Idaho. BCEH's Environmental Health Lesson
Coeur d'Alene River Basin Lead and Cadmium
Plans for Educators, supported in whole by funds
from ATSDR, won a National Health Information
funding and consultation from ATSDR, conducted
Award in 2003.
study population, which was identified through
In conjunction with site assessment activities at the
a human census in the Coeur d'Alene River
Poles site in Oldtown, IDHW sponsored a poster and
Basin study area. The region is characterized
essay contest for Idaho Hill Elementary School stu-
by communities that developed at or near old
dents on the linkage of health concerns and environ-
mine portals and ore milling sites or
adjacent to
mental exposures. Prizes donated by local businesses
mining wastes. In this region, lead and cadmium
were distributed among the 120 participating students.
have been identified as significant environmental
This and other health education and promotion activi-
ties designed to raise community awareness of envi-
collection for this study was conducted during
ronmental issues reflect the strong collaborative effort
the summer of 1996. Sampling was offered to
between the community and IDHW.
the entire basin population. A questionnaire was
In support of the Bunker Hill/Coeur d'Alene River
administered to consenting participants through
Basin site, the Panhandle Health District conducted
face-to-face interviews and biological samples
blood lead screening for children that was coupled
were collected at the time of the interviews. Public
with a lead health education curriculum for use in lo-
meetings and availability sessions were held to
cal schools.
keep interested persons aware of study progress.
Participant blood lead and urine cadmium levels
Health Studies
were determined using the data collected. Health
Health studies are investigations conducted to deter-
risks and odds ratios were assessed using approved
mine the relationships between exposures to hazard-
methods. The final report was released in August
ous substances and adverse health effects. They also
define health problems that require further investi-
gation through, for example, health surveillance or
an epidemiologic study. Following are examples of
health studies or investigations that ATSDR conducted
or supported in Idaho.
A Follow-Up Study of Female Former Smelter
For more information, contact ATSDR toll-free
Workers: the Relationship Between Changes
at 1-888-42ATSDR (1-888-422-8737) or visit the
in Bone Density Over Time and a Woman's
ATSDR Web page at
Lead Body Burden--ATSDR located and
December 2003