Bay municipal water systems is scheduled for
carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and silica.
Second, current exposures are not a public health
release in early 2004. During the 30-day public
hazard because no one is currently exposed to
comment period for the health consultation,
public availability
levels. Third, future
sessions will be held in
exposures could pose a
both Pahokee and South
public health hazard if
Bay to gather additional
the site were developed
community concerns and
into a residential
address comments on the
because of elevated
Speedway #8366 and
Jack's Service Center--
levels from on-site
ATSDR prepared a health
slag and elevated
consultation in response
to community concerns
site soils. The public
about Speedway #8366
health assessment
and Jack's Service Center
recommended that
in Palm City. A Palm City
ATSDR provide
resident petitioned ATSDR
Stauffer Chemical Company in Tarpon Springs.
health education to
to perform a public health
area residents, former Stauffer employees, former
assessment at the site known as 36th Street in Palm
students of Gulfside Elementary, and local health
care providers and conduct a 1-day workshop
Jack's Service Center. Specific concerns at both
of medical experts to discuss possible follow-up
activities for former Stauffer workers. Health
impact on private wells, possible improper disposal
education for area residents, former Gulfside
of soil from a 1988 tank excavation, and effects of
Elementary students, and local health care
contamination on the nearby Saint Lucie River.
providers is ongoing. The expert panel workshop
In a health consultation released in August
was held in July 2003 [see the Health Studies
2003, ATSDR classified this site as an
section of this fact sheet], and health education for
indeterminate public health. ATSDR concluded
former Stauffer workers will occur in conjunction
that indeterminate health hazards are associated
with the proposed health study activities.
with the present or future use of drinking water
ATSDR is developing responses to public
from private wells near the site. The sources of
comments on the new public health assessment,
preparing the document for final release (in spring
and Jack's have been or soon will be remediated.
2004), developing health education strategies for
FDEP and the Martin County Health
the target audiences, and seeking CDC approval
Department continue to monitor the private wells
for a mortality study and a medical evaluation
and will provide a connection to the county public
project for former Stauffer employees.
water system or a filter in the event that any state
water quality limits are exceeded.
A health consultation is a written or oral response
from ATSDR to a specific request for information
No health hazards are associated with surface soil
about health risks related to a specific site, chemical
at either Speedway or Jack's. No reason exists to
release, or hazardous material. A health consultation is
believe that surface soil became contaminated.
a more limited response than a public health assess-
Most of the ground surface at both facilities is
ment is. To date, 154 health consultations have been
paved, thus preventing any exposure to surface
documented at 88 sites in Florida, including the fol-
soil. Samples of the stockpiled soil excavated
lowing recent examples.
in 1991 at Jack's did not exceed any ATSDR
comparison values and the soil was properly
Pahokee and South Bay--A health consultation
disposed of in June 1992.
on total trihalomethanes in the Pahokee and South