bronchitis, shortness of breath, hacking coughs,
awareness about air pollution in
River Terrace;
lung disease, and cancer in their community.
Community members believe these health ailments
stakeholders to do so.
are related to exposure to air pollutants from nearby
A health consultation is a written or oral response
from ATSDR to a specific request for information about
ATSDR evaluated air contaminant data gathered
health risks related to a specific site, chemical release,
from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
or hazardous material. A health consultation is a more
(EPA) Aerometric Information Retrieval System,
limited response than a public health assessment. In
a computer-based repository for information about
the District of Columbia, 18 health consultations have
U.S. air pollution. Ambient air monitoring data are
been conducted at nine sites, including the following
available for criteria pollutants (carbon monoxide,
recent examples.
ozone, particulate matter, sulfate, and sulfur
Spring Valley (American University)--During
dioxide) from two air monitoring stations in and
World War I, the U.S. Army conducted chemical
near River Terrace. Although the levels of some
warfare research on and near American University.
air pollutants have been elevated at River Terrace,
Chemical weapons were periodically detonated in
those levels are similar to levels in any urban
the area for research and training purposes. Those
area, including the general District of Columbia
materials have since degraded and are no longer
metropolitan area.
ATSDR evaluated maximum contaminant levels
remains. Chemical agents and unexploded ordnance
detected in River Terrace air and available data
were also buried in the area, which is now known as
on levels known to cause adverse health effects in
the Spring Valley neighborhood.
animals and humans. The agency concluded that
exposure to the air would not be expected to harm
mustard gas, and other chemical warfare agents.
healthy River Terrace residents. However, the
The pathways of concern are soil ingestion, dust
maximum levels of ozone, sulfate, and particulate
inhalation, and vegetable gardening. ATSDR
matter may aggravate preexisting respiratory
provided consultation on a number of concerns
diseases such as asthma, emphysema, and chronic
about hazardous substances and potential human
health effects that might be associated with
In a public health assessment released for public
exposure to those substances. The U.S. Army Corps
comment in March 2004, ATSDR classified the site
of Engineers, which is responsible for clean-up
as an indeterminate public health hazard because
activities at this site, is conducting soil sampling.
insufficient data exist to evaluate potentially
Because of concerns about potential soil
increased rates of respiratory effects or cancer. In
July 2004, ATSDR hosted two public information
from the playground of the American University
sessions to update the community and share health-
Child Development Center. ATSDR reviewed the
related information from partnering organizations
results of
the arsenic analysis and found arsenic at
such as DC DOH, the Mid-Atlantic Center
levels that could be of concern if children purposely
for Children's Health and the Environment
swallowed as much as a handful of dirt. The Army
(MACCHE), and the Metropolitan Council of
has since collected additional samples and the
Governments/Clean Air Partners.
results indicated elevated levels of arsenic in the
ATSDR's recommendations included continuing
soil. The center moved to another facility until the
to sample criteria pollutants in ambient air in
affected playground soil was removed and replaced.
River Terrace, sampling additional pollutants in
In December 2003, ATSDR released a health
ambient air, and collecting health outcome data on
consultation that reviewed indoor air and soil-gas
respiratory ailments and cancer in River Terrace.
sampling data to determine whether exposure to
EPA has proposed plans to conduct air sampling as
chemical substances detected in indoor air posed an
part of its investigation into the nearby power plant,
immediate or long-term health hazard to residents of
and ATSDR will evaluate data from this sampling.
a home at 4625 Rockwood Parkway. The house was
ATSDR also recommended promoting community