48 documented health consultations have been con-
related to the mining operation. In February 2000,
ducted at 29 sites in Colorado. Following are recent
a health consultation was released to communicate
examples of health consultations conducted in the
existing cancer and birth defects data for Victor
and to serve as input to the ATSDR petition
process. A review of the
Avondale, Boone,
data did not identify any
North Avondale,
significant excess of cancer
and Surrounding
or birth defects in the 80860
Areas--A health
zip code area.
consultation updating
A public health advisory
cancer incidence
information from a
public health evaluation
by ATSDR that a substance
for Avondale, Boone,
released into the environ-
North Avondale, and
ment poses a significant risk
surrounding areas was
to human health. It includes
released in September
recommended measures to
2002. This consultation
reduce human exposure and
updates the cancer
eliminate, or substantially
information provided in
mitigate, the significant
2001 in Public Health
risk. The advisory is issued
Neighborhood children playing at the
Evaluation for Avondale, Swansea Recreation Center next to railroad
to EPA to inform state and
Boone, North Avondale,
local officials and the public
cars at the VBI70 site in Denver.
and Surrounding Areas,
about recommended ac-
a report prepared by the Colorado Department
tions. Following is the only public health advisory that
of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)
ATSDR has issued in Colorado:
and the Pueblo City County Health Department
Hansen Containers--In September 1991, ATSDR
(PCCHD). The 2001 report documented a health
issued a public health advisory stating that lead-
statistics review and the results of an evaluation
contaminated soil at this site in the Riverside
of potential human exposures related to historical
community of Grand Junction was a significant
threat to public health. ATSDR found that large
among persons living near the Pueblo Chemical
areas of the facility had excessive soil-lead levels
Depot is being monitored to establish whether
and access to the facility was unrestricted. In
those rates are greater than would be expected in
the general population. This information can be
were moving off-site. The advisory recommended
used to determine whether more studies should be
restricting access to the Hansen facility, testing
Riverside community children for blood-lead
The 2002 consultation concluded that the incidence
levels, sampling residential yard soils for lead, and
of cancer in Avondale, Boone, and North Avondale
educating health professionals and community
during 1999 through 2000 was consistent with the
residents about these dangers. All of these
expected number of diagnoses based on cancer
recommendations were accomplished by the end of
in the general population and does not suggest
October 1991.
an unexpected or unusual incidence of cancer.
An exposure investigation collects information on
This site was therefore categorized as no apparent
specific human exposures through biologic sampling,
health hazard.
personal monitoring, related environmental assess-
Victor Mine--Construction of the Cresson Mine
ment, and exposure-dose reconstruction. ATSDR has
in the Cripple Creek and Victor area began
conducted one exposure investigation in Colorado:
in 1994. Several community members raised
Cripple Creek and Victor Gold Mining--The
concerns about the enlargement of a cyanide
purpose of an exposure investigation released
leach facility and the health impacts they felt were
in November 2000 was to collect ambient air