day for 70 years;
from nearly every borough
intermediate exposure
in Alaska to attend the
from eating burbot in
high quantities during
The course was tailored to
certain times of the year
meet the needs of Alaska
(for example, during
Natives and those who
the seasonal harvest);
work for Alaska Native
intermediate exposure
organizations or on Alaska
in which the elders of
Native environmental
the Nuiqsut community
health issues. Case studies
eat about six burbot
and exercises used Alaskan
livers per week and
hazardous waste sites as
children eat about three
examples and addressed
livers per week during
ATSDR instructor at February 2003 training in
issues of concern for the
the 4-month burbot
harvest; and an acute
in fish. This tailored course trained professionals
exposure scenario in which elders eat six burbot
and village workers in Alaska how to assess health
livers during one meal.
implications at hazardous waste sites. The course
increased participants' knowledge of ATSDR processes
Health Education and Community Activities
and resources, which will aid future collaborations.
The course also provided networking opportunities
Through its Office of Tribal Affairs, ATSDR
groups represented at the training and increased
about health concerns related to hazardous exposures.
agency participants' abilities to conduct community
involvement and health education activities in rural
ATSDR is partnering with Alaska Native villages
village settings.
and corporations, federal agencies, and state agencies
concerning possible environmental exposures from
The Alaska Traditional Diet Project
former military sites and the correlation to cancer
Alaska Residents' Concerns
rates in several areas. ATSDR also is collaborating
with Alaska Natives to evaluate potential exposures
to chemicals. The following sites, tribes, or villages
radionuclides from both local and distant sources
have ongoing activities: Aleutian Pribilof Islands,
have been found in Alaska and other Arctic areas.
Annette Island, Cook Inlet, Dutch Harbor, Eiselson
Air Force Base, Elmendorf Air Force Base, Ft.
from a subsistence lifestyle, or through commercial
Yukon, Gambell, Ketchikan, Northeast Cape, Port
and recreational exposure, can potentially lead to
Graham, and Sitka.
cancer, worsen existing conditions such as diabetes
and asthma, and increase the incidence of other health
problems. To enable them to make informed choices
In response to requests from communities and
about their foods, Alaskans have asked for more
tribal governments in Alaska for training, ATSDR
information about the risk from these exposures and
conducted the Basic Course for Health Assessment
the nutritional benefits of traditional foods.
and Consultation in February 2003 in Anchorage.
Congressional Mandate
The 55 participants represented a variety of villages,
organizations, and agencies and throughout the state,
In 2001, Congress asked ATSDR to identify and
including the native villages of Paimuit, Elim,
Koyuk, and Kivalina; Tanana Chiefs Conference;
resources, and people in Alaska Native populations."
Bristol Bay Health Corporation; Alaska Native
Subsequently, Congress expanded ATSDR's project
Health Board (ANHB); Alaska Community Action
to cover all consumers--including subsistence,
on Toxics; University of Alaska; as well as the state
commercial, and recreational consumers--of Alaskan
of Alaska, U.S. Army, and EPA. Participants traveled
traditional foods. Among its strengths, ATSDR brings