pranks involving tearing agents, mishaps in the
laboratory, inappropriate chemical mixing by
More than 38,000 people
janitors, and problems with building
received information
cooling, and ventilation.
about accidental spills
National Environmental
and releases of hazardous
Disease Tracking
substances through fact
Increasingly, ATSDR is being asked by state
and local health departments to help respond to
sheets, Web sites, and
compelling community concerns about apparent
other resources developed
outbreaks of serious, noninfectious disease with
unknown cause. But as the Pew Environmental
by HSEES states.
Health Commission has pointed out, America
lacks the critical information it needs to reduce
or eliminate diseases that might be prevented
Prevention activities have included develop-
by better control of environmental exposures.
fact sheets, reports, posters, presentations,
The commission recommended the creation of a
Web sites, news articles, and journal articles.
federally supported Nationwide Health Tracking
These activities were focused on counties and
Network on high priority chronic diseases and
industries (for example, chlorine users and
related environmental hazards.
the transportation and agricultural industries)
with the most frequent spills, and the most
In response, in fiscal year 2002 ATSDR initiated
frequently spilled chemicals (that is, ammonia,
two major activities related to disease tracking:
chlorine, mercury, pesticides, and illicit meth-
amphetamine chemicals). Other prevention
Program Announcement 02155: Linking
activities have targeted population groups that
Chronic Disease and Environmental Data
are frequently injured, such as employees, first
responders, and students. Preliminary feedback
Disease Specific Expert Panel Workshops.
suggests that these activities increased knowl-
edge in the target groups. Increased knowledge
leading to sustained behavior change may result
ATSDR funded three applicants under
in decreased releases and fewer injuries.
Program Announcement 02155. They are
the University of California, Los Angeles;
In addition to the biennial report, ATSDR also
Michigan Department of Community Health;
published three articles on HSEES data in peer-
and the Environmental and Occupational
reviewed journals and gave presentations at
Health Sciences Institute, New Jersey. The
seven national conferences in fiscal year 2002.
University of California at Los Angeles plans
State health departments also developed fact
to examine the relationship between control
sheets, other publications, and Web sites. More
of asthma and exposure to air pollutants in
than 38,000 people were reached by these mes-
Los Angeles and San Diego counties. The
sages. Examples of the areas that states high-
study will use data from the 2001 California
lighted for prevention activities were mercury
Health Interview Survey and measurements
in schools, hospital and homes; agricultural
of four major air pollutants. The Michigan
ammonia releases in the Midwest; and haz-
Department of Community Health plans to
ardous substances spills in schools, including
chapter 3 47