Elizabethtown _____________________________ 7
Colorado _______________________ 16, 30, 38, 51
Ely Shoshone Tribe _______________________ 46
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 24
Emergency response ________________ 10, 27, 28
Community Health Resources, Incorporated ___ 13
Emory University _________________________ 46
Community involvement ________ 4, 12, 13, 17, 19
Environmental justice __________________ 12, 35
Comprehensive Environmental __________ 1, 7, 31
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) _ 1, 3, 7, 8,
Comprehensive Environmental Response,
10, 11, 13, 14, 22, 24, 27, 28, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 46,
Compensation, _________________________ 7, 31
47, 48, 52
Computational toxicology _______________ 36, 37
Epidemiologic studies _____________________ 10
Connecticut _____________________________ 16
Epidemiologic study ______________________ 24
Consultations ________ 1, 10, 12-14, 17, 21, 22, 27
Exposure investigations _______________ 1, 23, 24
Exposure registry ______________________ 10, 45
Cooperative agreement states ____________ 16, 17
Exposure-dose reconstruction _______________ 23
Fact sheets ________________________ 11, 33, 49
Corps of Engineers __________________ 14, 16, 24
Federal facilities _________________________ 11
Cyanide ________________________________ 33
Federal facility ___________________________ 14
DDE ________________________________ 37, 39
Federal Register __________________________ 31
DDT ___________________________________ 36
Federal Response Plan _____________________ 28
Defense Depot ________________________ 13, 49
Fish _______________________________ 8, 37, 39
Department of Defense _________________ 14, 32
Florida ________________________ 16, 30, 38, 50
Department of Energy __________________ 14, 32
Food _________________________________ 8, 21
Department of Health and Human Services 3, 7, 41
GE __________________________________ 30, 34
DHHS __________________________ 7, 13, 14, 41
General Electric Company _________________ 30
Dine College _________________________ 46, 54
Georgia ____________________________ 7, 16, 46
Dioxin _______________________________ 25, 26
GIS _________________________________ 50, 51
Dioxins ______________________________ 36, 37
Glenola, North Carolina ___________________ 40
Division of Health Assessment and _________ 9, 10
Great Lakes ________________ 2, 8, 30, 33, 37, 39
Division of Health Education _____________ 9, 10
Great Lakes Critical Programs Act ____________ 8
Division of Health Studies ________________ 9, 10
Great Lakes Human Health Effects ______ 2, 33, 37
Division of Toxicology __________________ 9, 10
Guam ________________________________ 1, 17
DOD ________________________________ 15, 32
Halogenated Solvents Industry Alliance _______ 34
DOE ________________________________ 15, 32
78 Appendix D