Typical Inside Gas
Meter with Mercury-
Containing Regulator
cleanup and issued letters to residents specify-
health agencies joined in partnership with the
ing when their homes were safe for occupancy.
gas companies in Illinois to contact
IDPH also sponsored a "hot line" and developed
homeowners whose gas meters had been
pamphlets for the public. To date, nearly 1,000
replaced within the past 10 years and make
residences have been found to be contaminated,
them aware of the free services available to
and IDPH has issued more than 700 letters to
them to protect their health.
residents. IDPH is collecting the results of the
biologic (urine) testing and results of the
Exposure Investigations
original mercury air sample for evaluation and
comparison. Data will provide additional
Exposure investigations are conducted to gather
information that will help compare residents'
and analyze site-specific information to deter-
exposure with levels of mercury in the environ-
mine whether human populations have been
ment and identify any exposure-induced,
exposed to hazardous substances. Information is
adverse health effects. The Center for Environ-
obtained through biomedical testing, environ-
mental Health in Chicago, a Pediatric Environ-
mental testing, and exposure-dose reconstruc-
mental Health Specialty Unit funded by
tion. Biomedical testing (for example, urine or
ATSDR, has provided medical information to
blood samples) can show current, and some-
the task force, the gas companies, local physicians,
times past, exposure to a contaminant. Environ-
laboratories, affected residents, and the media.
or air) is focused on where people live, spend
The training and support that ATSDR provides
leisure time, or might come into contact with
to Illinois and the other states with which it has
dose reconstruction analyses use environmental
of rapid, in-depth response to a potentially
sampling information and computer models to
widespread public health problem. In this case,
estimate the contaminant levels that people may
federal, state, and local environmental and
have been exposed to. The data and information
chapter 1 23