ATSDR worked on several initiatives during
fiscal year 2000 that explored how the agency
can better meet its mission in the years to
oping a research agenda, (2) beginning work on
a strategic plan for the next 5 years, (3) work-
ing with the National Center for Environmental
Health (NCEH) to develop a shared vision of
environmental public health activities, and (4)
developing a memorandum of understanding
with the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard
Investigation Board (CSB).
ATSDR's research agenda, Environmental
Public Health Research Agenda 20022010,
will help guide the agency's research programs.
The proposed research will directly support the
agency's goals. The agency's strategic plan,
which is to be developed in fiscal year 2001,
will provide a framework for ATSDR's overall
vision and will establish critical measures to
monitor progress. The vision project with
NCEH calls for greater coordination and
collaboration between the two agencies.
Finally, the agreement with CSB calls for
ATSDR to provide technical assistance to CSB
investigators on public health aspects of
chemical incidents.
Working with communities continued to be a
year 2000. ATSDR's Office of Urban Affairs,
Community Involvement Branch, and Office of
Tribal Affairs are promoting innovative ways of
involving communities in decisions about their
environmental health. ATSDR's work with
communities was highlighted in a special issue
of the international journal Environmental
Epidemiology and Toxicology that focused on
the evaluation of health hazards in communities
exposed to environmental toxins.
4 Executive Summary