environmental respiratory illness, and (3) basic epidemiology and
cancer clusters. These case studies will be widely distributed and
used for medical education as monographs in ATSDR's series, Case
Studies in Environmental Medicine.
AOEC acted as a health education, health promotion, and medical
consultation and referral resource for ATSDR staff and local health
care providers at sites, including Alberton, Montana; Woolfolk
Chemical Works, Fort Valley, Georgia; Del Amo/Montrose, Torrence,
California; Agricultural Street Landfill, New Orleans, Louisiana;
Grand Bois, Louisiana; Calcasieu/Mossville, Louisiana; and Bunker
Hill Superfund Site, Idaho. AOEC also works closely with DHEP to
establish pediatric environmental health specialty units in the 10
public health regions nationwide.
ASTHO continued to provide environmental health information
affecting environmental health practice at the state level. This
information focused on child health issues and was disseminated
through ASTHO's national electronic newsletter and electronic
seminars. ASTHO also conducted four regional workshops on
developing a medical monitoring program and a referral network for
the Bunker Hill Superfund site, Idaho.
NACCHO provided training to 20 local health agencies on how to
conduct community environmental health education needs
assessments; assisted the agencies in implementing community
education and involvement activities at 14 Superfund sites and in six
Brownfields communities; piloted a draft Brownfields Protocol at
three sites; and developed a draft guidance document, Community
Revitalization: Identifying Roles, Improving Relationships -- A Guidebook
for Local Health Agencies.
Prevention Effectiveness
Prevention effectiveness is the quantitative assessment of the expected
impact of public health policies, programs, and practices on health outcomes.
This type of analysis assists decision makers in identifying interventions that
provide the greatest public health impact, while using limited resources.
In FY 1999 the program completed an assessment to estimate the impact of
screening for selected health outcomes in a population exposed to lead at the
Bunker Hill Superfund site, Idaho. The analysis provided ATSDR and other
stakeholders with quantitative estimates of intervention outcomes, which were
used to help select strategies to provide the greatest health benefit to the
affected community. ATSDR also worked with the National Center for
Environmental Assessment, EPA, to develop a comparative risk framework
that applies prevention effectiveness to decision making about drinking water